Modified on: Sun, 1 Aug, 2021 at 11:09 AM
Export Setup – settings where you can define CNC file locations, project information parameters, identification and marking of elements, CNC command naming, etc.
Configuration – configuration with export settings. You can use sample or create new configurations. Also, you can rename or delete the existing configurations.
By default, CNC Exporter configurations are saved in C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\EFEWood22 (or other Revit version)\Export Configuration catalog. The content from this catalog can be copied to other users' computers if needed. The path can be changed in CNC Exporter – Easy Frame → Configuration Files’ Location.
Location for export of CNC files
Location for export of CNC files – select where to export CNC files. It can be project file location or any other custom location.
Project Information Parameters
Project Information Parameters – define parameters to take values of project name and project number. These parameters comes from Revit → Manage → Project Information:
Result in exported EZF file.
Element Identification and Mark
Element Identification and Mark – select element identification and marking configuration. This goes to advanced settings where you can predefine marking for plates/rims joists, girders, studs, joists and columns. Also you can make special element filtering.
Automatically skip not marked Elements
Automatically skip not marked Elements – automatically skips elements if CNC Part Number parameter is empty. If this option is switched OFF then the product will show a warning message with information about missing value. Such element is not exported in EZF file:
Automatically skip filtered out Elements
Automatically skip filtered out Elements – automatically skips filtered out element from configuration.
Assembly Station Mode
Assembly Station Mode – select if export has to be in one file or in separate files for each wall/floor/roof panel.
Framing Elements
Framing Elements – Easy Frame CNC Exporter exports only main frame of wall, floor, roof.
Export Frames
Order Hosts by – possibility to order hosts by ID or Mark.
Export File Name
Export File Name – predefine rules for defining file name. Some of parameters comes from Revit → Manage → Project Information:
Example, exported file name consists Author and Project Name parameter values from Project Information:
Last updated