Split Configurations
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'Split Configurations' are the settings for splitting ducts, pipes, cable trays and conduits using 'Split Elements' command.
Split Configurations reads the files specified in the 'Configurations Files' Location'. You can read more here on how to get sample configurations and set them up.
Groups are a way of organizing configurations.
At the top left of the configurations window, there is a selection for Groups. Only the respective configurations are shown in the dropdown below according to the selected Group.
You can assign configurations to different groups, delete, rename or create new groups in the 'Grouping' window, which can be accessed through a button on the right side.
Options to duplicate, rename, delete or create new configurations are under the […] button.
Rule tabs (Rule 1, Rule 2, …) are explained in detail in a separate paragraph at the bottom of this article.
In this section, the Revit family for splitting the MEP elements is specified. The split family must be a Fitting and the Part Type must be set to Union.
'Rule Active' determines if the rule is being carried out. It can be used to temporarily turn off a given Rule without deleting it.
'Splits Placed On' is the category of Revit MEP elements with which this configuration works. Each configuration can only work with one category. Changing the 'Splits Placed On' value in one Rule will change values in all other Rules of the active configuration as well.
To select a split family, use the 'Browser Tool' or the 'Select Category' and 'Select Family' dropdowns.
Here you can set up filters for MEP elements. Splits will only be placed if selected MEP elements fit the filter.
If selected MEP elements in the model don't fall in the given range of 'Length (Min, Max)', splits for these elements will not be inserted.
'Host Filter' allows filtering MEP elements by any parameter. All parameters from the MEP category with which this configuration works ('Splits Placed On' setting) will appear here.
Some use-cases of MEP element filtering:
Often in Revit, we encounter MEP elements that are very short because the Fittings and Accessories divide MEP elements into segments. Having a minimal value for the Length specified in the configuration will prevent running a configuration for these short pieces.
If a product has different standard lengths depending on its size, different Rules with Host Filters based on size (Height, Width, Diameter) and with different spacing settings can be used.
This is where you define settings for spacing splits on the MEP elements
The 'Layout Direction' defines the start point and the direction for the placement of splits (unions). There are 4 possible options:
Start End – distributes splits in equal spacing throughout the length of the MEP element (most common).
Start – begins placing splits at the start of the MEP element and moves towards the end.
End – begins placing splits at the end of the MEP element and moves towards the start.
Center – begins placing splits at the center of the MEP element and moves towards both ends.
'Layout Rule' determines the number of hangers that are being inserted and the spacing between them. The 'Layout Rule' options depend on the 'Layout Direction' and are:
Maximal Spacing – places the least number of splits equally spaced on the MEP element without exceeding the 'Maximal Spacing' field value between the hangers (most common).
Fixed Number & Fixed Spacing – places splits by the 'Fixed Spacing' field value but stops when the number of splits reaches the value specified in the 'Fixed Number' field.
Fixed Spacing – places splits by the 'Fixed Spacing' field value.
Fixed Number – places a set number of splits equally spaced on the MEP element.
You can change where the distribution of splits begins and ends using Offsets.
'Start Offset' defines the position of the first split from the start of the MEP element when using the 'Start End' or 'Start' Layout Direction.
'End Offset' defines the position of the first split from the end of the MEP element when using the 'Start End' or 'End' Layout Direction.
Rules are configurations inside of the configuration.
Rule tabs (Rule 1, Rule 2, …) allow inserting multiple different splits or splits with different settings while using a single configuration.
Rules are carried out from left to right. That allows for MEP element splitting solutions with a single configuration like different split (union) families depending on the size of the MEP elements.
[+] button duplicates a selected Rule and [-] deletes it. And there can be up to 10 Rules in a configuration. Rules can be renamed by double-clicking their names. And you can change the order of Rules by dragging them.
The green color in the Rule name indicates that the Rule is active and the hanger family is selected. Yellow means that the hanger is selected but the 'Rule Active' is set to False. Black indicates that the rule is inactive and no hanger is selected. Red means that the hanger family is missing.
Having many rules in a configuration can slow down the software because every Rule is applied to every element. For optimal results, find your balance between having many Rules in a configuration and using different configurations for different scenarios.