Text Note Settings
Text Note Type - select Text Type which should be used for Notes.
Offset – offset Text Note in horizontal direction, away from dimension line.
Text Note Position – vertical alignment – in the center of the dimension line, or above it.
Create Text Notes – defines if you want to create them.
Offset, Position and Create Text Notes settings are not visible if you go to Smart Dimensions configurations through Dimensioning Rules of Smart Assemblies because they are overwritten by Smart Assemblies settings in the Note Positioning tab when Assembly is created.
Dimension Text formula
Here you can define what information you want to see in a text note. Use Add, Remove buttons, Available Parameters, Prefix, Suffix options, and arrows to re-order them.
Text Note – text defined in each tab of dimensioning, for example 'On Front Faces'.
Text Note Parameter – also selected in each dimensioning tab, but here you can select different parameters from the element.
Quantity – it gives the number of elements:
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