Truss Design Settings
• Select Truss Design Settings directly from Truss+ menu

Truss Insert\Update options
Select cutting type for webs • Cut/Cope truss elements by selected cut type

Cut/Cope truss elements by selected cut type • Attach truss top chord to roof top face. If not – truss top chord will be attached to roof bottom face

Select truss overhang cutting and framing type

Truss builder
Select default truss type to use it when creating new truss family with Truss Builder
Maximal length of bottom chord for Truss Builder. When creating new truss family by model line which is longer – bottomchord will be split in two tiles
Optimal value of ‘Max overhang search distance’ parameter allows inserting trusses inside a building without overhang.
Value must be a little higher then maximal length of overhang in current project
Use Recalculate Bottom Chord when creating new wood truss family with Truss Builder

Predefine Web Position Rules for Jacks and Corner Girders
• Select truss type in Jack or Corner girder truss tabs to change web position rules and click Modify button

Predefine Web Position Rules for Jacks and Corner Girders
• Modify parameters or click on the Jack expert button for better understanding of parameters and their values

Last updated
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