Interior Sheathing Nailing/Stapling
Here are the options to control how the sheathing nailing will be performed

Interior Sheathing Nailing/Stapling
Parts Filter – lets you create a filter based on parameters to exclude certain sheathing parts. Filtered parts will receive no nailing/stapling.
Note: Filter should be configured in a way of what you want to keep and not what you want to exclude.
Position - provides a number for reference to use with the preview image
Nailing Line (NL) Offset and Other Parameters - provides a description of the processing area:
NL Axis - Horizontal Side Edge - in cases where the sheathing element's edge is aligned with either the left or right end of the frame, this offset will be used.
NL Axis - Vertical Side Edge - in cases where the sheathing element's edge is aligned with either the top or bottom end of the frame, this offset will be used.
NL Axis - Sheathing Split on Element Axis - in cases where the sheathing element's edge is touching another sheathing element, this offset will be used for the vertical nailing lines.
NL Axis - Element Axis - in cases where nailing in the middle of the sheathing element is needed, you can offset the nailing line from the center line of the framing element behind.
NL End - Framing Element End - controls the offsets on where the nailing line should start and end according to the horizontal farming element behind the sheathing element.
NL End - Stud Framing Element End - controls the offsets on where the nailing line should start and end according to the vertical farming element behind the sheathing element.
NL Horizontal End - Sheathing Split Line - in cases where the sheathing element's edge touches another sheathing element, this offset will be used for the horizontal nailing lines.
NL Vertical End - Sheathing Split Line - in cases where the sheathing element's edge touches another sheathing element, this offset will be used for the vertical nailing lines.
Minimal NL offset from Side Edge - in cases where the sheathing element's edge is not aligned with either the left or right end of the frame, this offset will be used.
Vertical Center Nailing by Width - controls the minimum width required for the nailing line in the center of the sheet to appear. Sheathing that's width is less then the specified value, will not receive nailing line. Value being zero, turns the functionality off. Only works if "Nails to Studs" checkmark is turned off.
Horizontal Center Nailing by Length - controls the minimum height/length required for the nailing line in the center of the sheet to appear. Sheathing that's height/length is less then the specified value, will not receive nailing line. Value being zero, turns the functionality off. Only works if "Nails to Studs" checkmark is turned off.
Offset at Split - allows to stagger nailing by the specified amount in places where two sheathing elements a touching.
Nailing Interior Spacing - allows you to choose nail spacing for all nailing lines in the interior of the sheet.
Nailing Contour Spacing - allows you to choose nail spacing for all nailing lines in the contour/perimeter of the sheet.
Nailing Type/Device Index - machine-specific code to control and customize various aspects of how the processing is supposed to be performed.
Nailer's Filter - allows to create a filter to exclude certain nailers. No nailing lines for the sheathing will be created, with these nailers behind them.
Nails to Studs - this checkmark controls if the nailing should be done in places where there is framing elements from behind the sheet or if it should be placed around the perimeter of the sheet, ignoring framing at all.
Rotated Top Plate Nailed with Studs - xxxx
Top Header Nailed with Studs - xxxx
I-Layer - allows input of offsets for the first layer of sheathing (counting from the main frame)
II-Layer - allows input of offsets for the second layer of sheathing (counting from the main frame)
III-Layer - allows input of offsets for the third layer of sheathing (counting from the main frame)
Sheath Nailing Settings
Here you can select how you want overall nailing to be performed if performed at all:
Complete (default) - regular full nailing according to the offsets provided in the table
Contour - only nailing around the contour of the sheathing element will be performed, excluding any interior nailing lines
None - turns of interior sheathing nailing functionality
Nails Layout - here, you have the option to choose the desired nail layout within the nailing lines:
Default - nailing lines will be made according to the setting chosen in the table. First nail will be placed at the very beginning of the nail line, last one is placed where the last full spacing distance is reached.
Add Nail on End - nailing lines will be made according to the setting chosen in the table. First nail will be placed at the very beginning of the nail line, last one is placed at the very end of the line, ignoring the last spacing distance.
Maximum Spacing - nailing lines receive equal nail spacing being as close as possible to the spacing set in the offset table.
Round Spacing value - upon choosing the Maximum Spacing option you get to choose if the spacing should be rounded to the bigger or smaller side.
Draw Nailing Lines - if checked, upon exporting, there will be model lines created on the sheathing part in Revit to indicate where the nailing lines will be placed in the export file.
Last updated
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