Wall Framing
Framing Configuration may be found in two locations:
Wall Framing
Wall Framing – here you can control regular studs (Vertical Stud tab), top (Top Plate tab) plates and bottom (Bottom Plate tab) plates:
Add Studs
Add Studs – adds studs with rules listed below to the frame. The frame can be created without studs, just using, for example, horizontal elements.
Align with Project Base Point
Align with Project Base Point – allows studs to be positioned not only in relation to each other but according to Revit gridlines.
Studs are positioned on the gridlines – and where necessary to fill in gaps or form intersections – so that they always match up across a corridor or room.
Notice how the studs are spaced according to the grid:
First step – unclip the state of the Revit Project Base Point and move it to the needed position:
For more convenience, switch on Revit Work Plane and move it to the Project Base Point. It will help you to understand if the studs or joists are created in the right position:
Turn on Align with Project Base Point in the Framing Configuration dialog:
Frame the walls, floors, or roof:
In the case you need to relocate the frame, just move the Project Base Point to the new position and update the frame!
Stud Spacing and First/Last Spacing
Stud Spacing – defines the distance between the studs.
First/Last Spacing – defines common stud offset. Offset direction can be defined either from the first or the last, or both last studs. First/Last Spacing is dependent on the exterior side of wall as shown below. The beginning of the armament starts from the left side looking from the exterior side of a wall.
First/Last Spacing – first spacing will be on the side of the left side, and last on the right side.
Custom Join
Custom Join – is a multi-functional dialog where user can define rules for studs including size, count, position, rotation, spacing, alignment etc. All these rules can be saved and used in other framing configurations or shared with other users. This type of dialog is used frequently in our products, so here you can find Custom Join detailed description
Sloped and Non-Sloped Plates are symmetrical
Sloped and Non-Sloped Plates are symmetrical – define if top/bottom plates should be the same for sloped and non sloped plates.
Sloped top plates:
Non-sloped bottom plates:
Cut Type
Cut Type – select top/bottom plate cutting type.
Example: when Plate Cut Studs is selected:
Number of Elements not Cut
Number of Elements not Cut – if there is at least one plate, you can cut it or leave it as a whole.
Top Cover/Bottom Pad
Top Cover/Bottom Pad will be added above/below the main frame.
Section view:
Example with the older versions. Note 1:
If I_WF Plate Pad.rfa (in Imperial projects) or M_WF Plate Pad.rfa (in Metric projects) family is used and pad elements should be created with exact sizes, then pay attention to the type parameter Pad Gap = 0. Pad Gap is the gap between pad elements.
Example with the older versions. Note 2:
If I_WF Plate.rfa (in Imperial projects) or M_WF Plate.rfa (in Metric projects) family is used, then make sure the type parameter Auto Offset is switched ON.
Offset – frame offsets from wall top or bottom.
Last updated