Cut/Delete/Move/Rotate Elements
Cut/Delete/Move/Rotate Elements

Cut/Delete/Move/Rotate Elements – features for deleting, moving, flipping joists, cutting beams, etc.
Delete Joists

Delete Joists – deletes selected joists from the frame. You can't delete it manually, because using updating functions the element will be restored.
Example: Select joist(s) to delete and click Delete Joists. If needed to join bridging/nogging, click Update Frame:

Restore Deleted Joists

Restore Deleted Joists – restores deleted joists in selected frame.
Example: Click Restore Deleted Joists and select a foor, opening, or any element from the frame to restore joist(s):

Delete Rim Joists or Bridging/Nogging

Delete Rim Joists or Bridging/Nogging – deletes selected plates or bridging/nogging which were inserted before. You can't delete it manually, because using updating functions the element will be restored.
Example, select the plate:

The plate is deleted and will not be restored during updating process:

Restore deleted Rim Joists or Bridging/Nogging

Restore deleted Rim Joists or Bridging/Nogging – restores deleted joists in selected frame.
Example, select the frame:

The plate is restored:

Move Joists

Move Joists – moves selected joist(s) to the left or right by predefined distance.
Example: Select joist(s) → Move Joists → Define a distance → OK:

Restore Moved Joists

Restore Moved Joists – restores moved joists in selected frame to original position.
Example: Click Restore Moved Joists and select a roof, opening, or any element from the frame to restore joist(s) to original position:

Add Copied Elements

Add Copied Elements – adds copied elements to the existing frame system for later scheduling and inclusion in shop drawings.
Sometimes it is easier to copy some elements in the frame, but later it needs to be scheduled and included into shop drawings using Roof+. In such cases, use Add Copied Elements.
Example: Two bridgings were manually copied with Revit Copy function. To include in existing frame system, select these bridgings → Add Copied Elements:

Delete Copied Elements

Delete Copied Elements – deletes elements that were copied manually and added to the existing frame system with Add Copied Element.
Example: Click Delete Copied Elements and select a roof, opening, or any element from the frame to delete the copied elements:

Cut Beams with Solid/Void

Cut Beams with Solid/Void – cuts beams that intersect with another beam (solid/void).
Example: Click Cut Beams with Solid → Select intersecting beam:

Uncut Beams

Uncut Beams – uncuts beams that intersect with another beam (solid/void).

Cut Beam Ends

Cut Beam Ends – cuts selected beam ends that connect with another beam.
Example: Click Cut Beam Ends → Select a beam that needs to be cut:

Cut with Beam Ends
Cut with Beam Ends – cuts connected beam with selected beam ends.
Example: Click Cut with Beam Ends → Select a beam that will cut connected beam:

Uncut Beam Ends

Uncut Beam Ends – uncuts beam ends that connect with other beams.

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