
Framing Configuration may be found in two locations:


Opening Framing

Settings for framing Windows, Doors, and other Openings.

Settings for Window – Window Join Framing and Window – Door Join Framing.

Window, Door, or Opening settings are saved under separate names and can be adjusted for different opening sizes (From – To).

Also, the software will recognize if the opening is inserted into a structural (bearing) or non-structural wall.

Window Framing

Window Framing – settings for framing single windows.

Door Framing

Door Framing – settings for framing single doors.

Opening Framing

Opening Framing – settings for framing single openings which are mostly used for Ducts, Pipes. or other MEP elements.

Window – Window Join Framing

Window – Window Join Framing – settings for framing joined windows. Window – window join settings are saved under a separate name and they can be adjusted for different join sizes (From – To).

Window – Door Join Framing

Window – Door Join Framing – settings for framing joined window and door. Window – door join settings are saved under a separate name and they can be adjusted for different join sizes (From – To).


Preassembled – fills in information for framing elements (like kings, trimmers, sills, etc.) from the selected configuration.

The configuration can be later scheduled and separately displayed in shop drawings.

Opening Element Preassembled – fills in information for window, door, or other opening, which can later be scheduled and separately displayed in shop drawings.

Fills in information for these parameters:

FM Module Type

For Windows, Doors, and Openings – writes opening type (Window, Door, Opening, JoinedOpening).

For Connections – writes join configuration name.

FM Module Mark – writes FM Module Type + Mark (from Wall) + Mark (from Window, Door or Opening) + unique number.

FM Module Preassembled – writes Yes/No if element is (or is not) included in the preassembly.


King is included in the preassembly so FM Module Type parameter has Window value, because this King belongs to the window, FM Module Mark parameter contains FM Module Type parameter value (Window) + current wall Mark value (can be seen near FM HostMemberSortMark) + current window Mark + unique number.

All these parameters can later be used in the schedules and view filters.

Last updated