Export Settings
Export Settings tab description for Weinmann BTL Exporter. Export Setup window
Export Settings
Framing Elements
Export Frame – gives the ability to choose what layers of the assembly you wish to export:
All Frame – exports the whole framed assembly, including all the layers and all the elements.
Main Frame – only exports the main load-bearing section of the assembly (Studs, Plates, Blockings/Noggings, Braces, etc.)
Main Frame and External Layers – exports the main frame as well as all the remaining layers to the exterior side of the wall.
Main Frame and External Layers w/o siding - exports the main frame as well as all the remaining layers to the exterior side of the wall but excludes Siding boards.
Main Frame and Internal Layers - exports the main frame as well as all the remaining layers to the interior side of the wall.
Main Frame and Internal Layers w/o siding - Exports the main frame as well as all the remaining layers to the interior side of the wall but excludes siding elements.
Adjust Members Vectors by Frame and rotate 180 along X-axis –
Export Flipped – flips assembly by Z axis (yellow line) in the export. The interior side in Revit () becomes the exterior side in the export.
Unticked (default) – assembly is exported the way it looks in Revit.
Ticked - assembly is going to flip by Z axis in the export.
Split to Separate Files by – allows you to divide assemblies to separate files based on the chosen parameter value.
Processing Quality – controls an option of the same name in BTL to describe the quality of the project.
Process Longitudinal Cuts – allows you to turn off longitudinal cuts in cases where the stock piece is already pre-cut elsewhere.
Export by Nominal size –
Full Laps as Milling –
Export Frames
Origin Point – in case your main frame doesn’t start from the bottom of the Revit wall due to offset or the bottom plate being placed separately, this option can be used to adjust the frame origin point:
by Host (default) – the frame will have its origin point at the bottom corner of the Revit host element (wall, floor, roof).
by Elements – the frame will have its origin point at the bottom corner of where the main frame of the assembly starts (e.g., first bottom plate's left corner).
Order Hosts by –
Export Details
Export Wood Details – exports detail element families hosted on framing elements
Export Wood Detail in same File as Host –
CNC Command Naming
Here, you can customize the naming for the BTL Processing Codes. Use this to translate processing descriptions to your local language if needed or to adapt cuts to your custom machine functionality. Choose what column should be used by placing a tick mark.
Tip: Designations are for naming only and do not influence what processing code will be used in the export.
Processing Code - BTL processing codes for different cuts that are available in this CNC format.
Default Designation - default naming designations according to BTL format specification.
DDX Name - custom naming designations used by some CNC machines. If your machine does not require these, this column can be used as an alternative to the Custom Designation column to allow saving two different naming conventions in the same configuration.
Custom Designation - here, you can enter your desired naming designations for each processing code.
Last updated