Insert Roof/Floor Truss By Selected Model Lines
Draw Model line in the plan view from one wall core to another wall core (or from-to support elements)
Start and end points must be in correct positions: middle points (center line) of the heel webs• Select Model line
Select Insert Roof/Floor Truss by Selected Model Line from Truss+ menu
Select required truss type from the truss family browser
Note: start and end points of Model line will also be the start and end points of truss
Note: all truss families have a special name and classification. Truss families are classified by type and position in roof layout like Common truss, Gable end truss, Scissors truss etc.
All names have a special end like “_1L+1R” or “_2L+2R”. Numbers show how many slopes a truss can have in the left “_XL” “+” and the right “XR” sides of the truss. Inserting a truss by Model line, you must know how many slopes a roof has and use the correct truss family.
Note: there is no need to draw model lines in every truss location.
Use Copy/Array… function for truss distribution along the roof;
If the roof has more slopes than can be generated by the selected truss family, software shows an error message
If all trusses that come with software installation don’t have enough panels or you want to distribute truss webs in otherway - use T4R Truss Builder (more about Truss Builder - refer to the corresponding e-Help section - Create Truss Type by Model Lines)
Last updated