Modify Frame

Modify Frame – modifies selected wall framing by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Example: Select any frame → Modify Frame → Make custom changes in the framing configuration → OK:


Modify Opening

Modify Opening – modifies selected window, door, or other opening framing by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Example: Select any opening frame, like trimmer, king, cripple → Modify Opening → Make custom changes in the opening framing configuration → OK:


Update Frame

Update Frame – updates the frame if any changes were made to wall, e.g. window was moved, wall was extended, etc.

Delete Frame

Delete Frame – deletes the selected framing. You simply need to select one element (stud, plate, bridging etc.), and the tool will delete the whole frame from the wall. If you select a wall, then the tool will delete all framed layers.

Modify Wall Join

Modify Wall Join – modifies selected join by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.

For join modification, please pay attention to which stud you are selecting. The tool will recognize if the corner is outer or inner and give you different options in modification dialog – to modify Butt (B) or L corner:

Modify Multiple Openings

Modify Multiple Openings – modifies multiple selected window, door, or other opening framings by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Example: Select several windows, doors, or other openings → Click Esc to finish selection → Modify Multiple Openings → Make custom changes in the opening framing configuration → OK:


Modify Joined Opening Frame

Modify Joined Opening Frame – modifies selected joined window, door, or other opening framing by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Example: Select opening which was joined, like window, door, or MEP opening → Modify Joined Opening Frame → Make custom changes in the opening framing configuration → OK:


Modify all Opening Join Frames

Modify all Opening Join Frames – modifies selected joined window, door, or other opening common framing, like trimmers and cripples, by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Example: Select joined opening common frames, like trimmer → Modify all Opening Join Frames → Make custom changes in the joined opening framing configuration → OK:


Modify one Opening Join Frame

Modify one Opening Join Frame – modifies a single window, door, or other joined opening common framing, like trimmers or cripples, by custom settings if you need to make unique changes. All configuration settings are the same as in Framing Configuration.
Update by Wall Link

Update by Wall Link – reframes selected wall frame to default, which is configured under Framing Configuration.
Update Opening by Wall Link

Update Opening by Wall Link – reframes selected window, door, or other opening frame to default, which is configured under Framing Configuration.
Save Configuration w/o Openings

Save Configuration w/o Openings – saves configuration of selected frame without settings for openings. This feature is very useful if you have already framed a wall and you lost the configuration that was used for it. The configuration is needed to frame new walls.
Example: You just need to select any frame from a wall and save configuration under your name:

Now you will be able to use this configuration for new or existing walls:

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