Assembly Views
Assembly Views

Assembly Views – predefine assembly views, view graphical presentation, framing layers, and all other information you want to present.
Create new views by clicking the New button. Click Duplicate to duplicate the selected view. A full row should be selected to activate this option. Click Delete to delete the selected view. Select Move Up/Down to move the view within the configuration dialog:

Create View, Create Detail View

Create View – select the views you want to create in the assembly.

Create Detail View – whereas with a simple assembly view you see only the assembly itself – in isolation from other parts with which it interacts – Detail Views lets you see how a given assembly relates to other pieces of the pie, like walls, floors, elevations, grids, etc.

The next tab Detail View lets you control the view name:

Views and View Templates

View – select the view type to create in the assembly. The list of view types comes from Revit. It can be: section, elevation, plan view, legend, 3D view, etc.
Rotate – rotate the view 90, -90, or 180 degrees. Usually used for floors and roof panels.
View Name – enter a name for the selected view.
Framing Layer – select the framing layer you want to filter in the view. It can be: Main Frame, Vertical Nailer, Horizontal Siding, Sheathing, Log, etc. If None is selected, then all layers will be visible in the view.
View Template – select the view template for every assembly view. View templates bring things like scale, graphical presentation, etc. into the view. The list of view templates comes from your current Revit project. You can find and modify your project view templates in Revit → View → Graphics → View Templates → Manage View Templates.

Dimensioning Rule

Dimensioning Rule – dimensioning rules for the selected view. Dimensioning rules are saved under separate names and can be used for other projects.
Dimensioning rules can be created and modified under Edit Dimensioning Rules.


Elements in the views can be tagged. The list of tag families comes from your current project.
Sample tags are loaded into your project using Load Families:

Structural Framing Tag – select a family for tagging all studs and plates in the view.

Sheathing Tag – select a family for tagging all sheathing panels (Parts) in the view.
Structural Connections Tag – select a family for tagging all details, like anchors, clip angles, etc. in the view.
Tag Other – tags other elements, like electrical switches, openings, etc. in the view. Tag families come from Annotate tab → Tag All.
Gravity Point
Roof+ can calculate all element masses and insert the Gravity Point at the center of gravity of a given assembly.
To insert Gravity Point into the assembly views, a few requirements must be fulfilled:
All elements in the assembly must have a Density parameter assigned in the Material's Physical properties:

Tick Insert Gravity Point (GP).
GP is Visible – select assembly views in which the gravity point will be visible.


The Gravity Point also can be dimensioned in the assembly view. All dimensioning rules are in Smart Dimensions:

Number of Visible Layers

Number of Visible Layers – allows you to add the number of visible layers in the view.
Views are Visible

Views are Visible – select which views will be visible in the selected view.

Last updated
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