Modify Settings
Allow to Create new Types for Metal Profiles
(in Wall+M, Floor+M, Roof+M)
Allow to Create new Types for Metal Profiles - creates new types automatically if there is no such in the project. If this option is ticked off then the program will give a message and ask if the new type should be really created.
Allow to Rename Families and Types now
Allow to Rename Families and Types now – feature allows you to rename framing families and types, which are used in framing configuration.
Tick Allow to Rename Families and Types now.
Click Save – to save all predefined configurations, including names and types of all families used.
Rename needed families or types in the project.
Open Framing Configuration → Modify Settings.
Untick Allow to Rename Families and Types now.
Click Save – to save all predefined configurations, including renamed families and types.
Add Virtual External Layer for Exterior/Interior Walls
(in Wall+, Wall+M)
Add Virtual External Layer for Exterior/Interior Walls – adds virtual layers for exterior/interior walls that are mostly used for siding finishing/decorations.
You’ll see Virtual Layers in the Link Wall dialog:
Frame Floor Perpendicular by Slope Direction (in Floor+, Floor+M)
Frame Floor Perpendicular by Slope Direction – if ticked then common joists will be created perpendicularly to floor slope direction.
Example with floor:
If there is Slope Arrow used in the floor creation then the joists will be perpendicular to it:
Example with roof:
If there is Slope Arrow used in the roof creation then the joists will be perpendicular to it:
Hide Framing Messages
Hide Framing Messages – hides different framing messages after using Frame Wall function on walls that have already been framed.
Example: You click Frame Wall on an already-framed wall. There are three options: Delete and Reframe, Update Frame, and Skip Frame. Using Hide Framing Messages you can automatically select the option that needs to be done with such walls, and you will not see this option again. It is extremely useful working in a project with many walls.
Example: You click Frame Floor on an already-framed floor. There are three options: Delete and Reframe, Update Frame, and Skip Frame. Using Hide Framing Messages you can automatically select the option that needs to be done with such floors, and you will not see this option again. It is extremely useful when working in a project with many floors.
Example: You click Frame Floor on an already-framed floor. There are three options: Delete and Reframe, Update Frame, and Skip Frame. Using Hide Framing Messages you can automatically select the option that needs to be done with such floors, and you will not see this option again. It is extremely useful when working in a project with many floors.
Example with roof:
Split Top/Bottom Plates with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Split Rim Joists with "Frame Floor" Command(in Floor+, Floor+M)
Split Rim Joists with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Split Top/Bottom Plates/Rim Joists with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – splits tom/bottom plates or rim joists automatically after using Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof.
Example in wood:
Example in metal:
Add Details with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Add Details with "Frame Floor" Command (in Floor, Floor+M)
Add Details with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Add Details with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – adds details automatically after using Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof. You will not need to use Add Details additionally.
Example in wood: The wall was framed, and the details were added automatically:
Mandatory condition: Name of Wall Framing and name of Details Configuration must be the same!
Framing Configuration name:
Name of Details Configuration is the same as that of the Framing Configuration:
Example in metal: The wall was framed, and the details were added automatically:
Mandatory condition: Name of Wall Framing and name of Details Configuration must be the same!
Framing Configuration name:
Name of Details Configuration is the same as that of the Framing Configuration:
Example in metal: The floor was framed, and the details were added automatically:
Mandatory condition: Name of Floor Framing and name of Details Configuration must be the same!
Framing Configuration name:
Name of Details Configuration is the same as that of the Framing Configuration:
Example in wood: The floor was framed, and the details were added automatically:
Mandatory condition: Name of Floor Framing and name of Details Configuration must be the same!
Framing Configuration name:
Name of Details Configuration is the same as that of the Framing Configuration:
Example: The roof was framed, and the details were added automatically:
Mandatory condition: Name of Roof Framing and name of Details Configuration must be the same!
Create Parts with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Create Parts with "Frame Floor" Command (in Floor, Floor+M)
Create Parts with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Create Parts with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – creates parts after framing the wall, floor or roof with Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof.
Example in wood: After clicking Frame Floor on the floor, the frame and parts are created automatically:
Mandatory condition: Parts will be created if the floor will have a link with sheathing configuration!
Note: Don't forget to switch on Show Parts or Show Both near Parts Visibility in View Properties in order to see parts:
Exclude Parts by Wall Link with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Exclude Parts by Floor Link with "Frame Floor" Command (in Floor+, Floor+M)
Exclude Parts by Roof Link with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Exclude Parts by Wall/Floor/Roof Link with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – excludes parts after framing the wall, floor or roof with Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof. Without this feature parts can be excluded after Split Parts command. Parts which should be excluded are predefined in Wall/Floor/Roof Link:
You can exclude parts from the project so that they will not be included in material takeoffs, schedules, and other lists or calculations.
Create or exclude parts with "Frame Wall" Command
If ticked ON, then the parts will be created or excluded with the ‘Frame Wall’ command, based on the settings in the Wall Link:
Split Parts with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Split Parts with "Frame Floor" Command (in Floor+, Floor+M)
Split Parts with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Split Parts with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – splits parts automatically after using Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof. You will not need to use Split Parts additionally.
Example in wood: After clicking Frame Wall on the wall, the frame and parts are created automatically:
View of the frame:
Mandatory condition: Parts will be split if the wall will have a link with sheathing configuration!
Note: Don't forget to switch on Show Parts or Show Both near Parts Visibility in View Properties in order to see parts:
Example in metal:
after clicking Frame Wall on the wall, the frame and parts are created automatically:
View of the frame:
Mandatory condition: Parts will be split if the wall will have a link with sheathing configuration!
Note: Don't forget to switch on Show Parts or Show Both near Parts Visibility in View Properties in order to see parts:
Example in metal: After clicking Frame Floor on the floor, the frame and parts are created automatically:
View of the frame:
Mandatory condition: Parts will be split if the floor will have a link with sheathing configuration!
Example in wood:
After clicking Frame Floor on the floor, the frame and parts are created automatically:
View of the frame:
Mandatory condition: Parts will be split if the floor will have a link with sheathing configuration!
Number Elements with "Frame Wall" Command (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Number Elements with "Frame Floor" Command (in Floor+, Floor+M)
Number Elements with "Frame Roof" Command (in Roof+, Roof+M)
Number Elements with "Frame Wall/Floor/Roof" Command – numbers elements automatically after using Frame Wall, Frame Floor or Frame Roof and writes result to FM SortMark instance parameter. You will not need to use Wall+, Floor+ or Roof+ → Number Elements additionally.
Example with wood wall:
Example with metal wall:
Example with metal floor:
Example with wood floor:
Example with metal roof:
Example with wood roof:
Use Short Update by Modify Framing
Use Short Update by Modify Framing – while modifying openings, connections, etc., Wall+, Floor+ or Roof+ will update just selected opening or connection, without updating whole wall. This option saves time during the updating process.
In such a case, the regular Update Frame function will work like a long update, which will update the whole wall and during the modification process only a short update will be used.
- Long Update
- Short Update
“Update by Database” in Custom Joins
Link configurations together throughout all parts of your framing configurations to reflect changes made to any one database configuration. You can find this setting in the Modify Settings tab. Tick ‘Enable “Update by Database” in Custom Joins’.
Then, a new column – Update by Database – will appear in all Custom Joins. Below, for example, you can see the new column in the Window Framing tab:
Enable "Link to Configuration" in Custom Joins
Enable "Link to Configuration" in Custom Joins – enables "Link to Configuration" button in every dialog with custom joints.
Read more about Custom Join here
Automatically Delete Element if "Can't make type..."
Automatically Delete Element if "Can't make type..." – deletes elements automatically when there is no possibility to create type.
Active Types Filter
Active Types Filter – an additional Types Filter dialog where you can add your rules for filtering framing elements. It can help you select and find the right types for wall/floor/roof framing.
Example with Wood Framing Wall+:
In such case Wall+ will show only the types which fit the filter:
Example with Metal Framing Wall+:
In such case Wall+M will show only the types which fit the filter:
Check for Wall Sweeps and Reveals (in Wall+, Wall+M)
Check for Wall Sweeps and Reveals – tries and analyse wall sweeps and reveals for wall framing.
Exclude "Build in Place" Elements for CNC Marking
Exclude "Build in Place" Elements for CNC Marking – Build in Place elements will not be used in CNC numbering. Only prefabricated elements will be used in CNC.
Example with wood:
If Build in Place parameter is ticked, then the element will be not used in CNC:
CNC Part Position instance parameter is empty after using Write Positions for CNC Marking function:
For not Build in Place elements CNC Part Position is filled up:
Example with metal:
If Build in Place parameter is ticked, then the element will be not used in CNC:
CNC Part Position instance parameter is empty after using Write Positions for CNC Marking function:
Example with metal:
Example with wood:
CNC Part Position instance parameter is empty after using Write Positions for CNC Marking function: