We offer standalone (SLM) licenses for your company.
While it was possible to purchase network (NLM) licenses in the past, due to a change in company sales policy, network licenses are no longer available for purchase as of Q4 2024.
For customers who previously purchased an NLM license, instructions are provided here and elsewhere in our documentation hub.
A standalone license permits the software to be installed on a single workstation (1 license = 1 computer) without the need to be connected to a company network.
A networklicense allows a number of users on the same network (or using a VPN connection) at your organization to share access to product licenses. Your server controls the distribution of licenses to users. For companies with many users, the network license may be the solution to ensure software users have access to the right products at the right time – without having to install a standalone license on every user’s computer.
How does the Network License work?
Network licenses can be shared among multiple employees. The Network License Manager (NLM), installed on one or more servers, controls the distribution of product licenses to users. The fixed subscription / annual fee for the network license is applied per server (not per license).
For example, if you have 8 seats of Excel2R, the software can be installed on as many workstations as you like, but only 8 users will be able to obtain the license at the same time. If a 9th user wants to use a license of Excel2R but all of them are currently in use, he will get an error message that the license is unavailable. One of the 8 active users should release a license or close Revit in order to free a seat for the 9th user. Any user can check license usage and who is currently using a given tool in the web browser dashboard.