Value Pattern
There are four types of scripts – {0}, {1}, {2} and {3} – to help you create combined values. You can use scripts within any word combinations. Simply write {0} and a tool will add to your chosen property value the index value of only the class selected in the tree.
{0} – adds the index value of the class selected in the tree.
{1} – adds the name of the class selected in the tree.
{2} – adds a number to the last value. This lets you auto-number elements by increasing the previous number by +1.
{3} – adds the current date and time.
Some examples of how it works:
Script: {0} – Hello world
Result: 23-17 13 15 23 – Hello world
Script: {0}-{1}
Result: 23-17 13 15 23-Wood Casement Windows
Script: {1}
Result: Wood Casement Windows
Script: %%%{0}-{1}
Result: %%%23-17 13 15 23-Wood Casement
Script: Hello{0}
Result: Hello23-17 13 15 23
Script: Hello{0}world
Result: Hello23-17 13 15 23world
Script: Hello {0} world
Result: Hello 23-17 13 15 23 world
To fix the number of digits in the numbering script {2}, specify the number of digits with a :, the letter D and the number.
Here is an example for auto-numbering with three digits.
Script: {2:D3}
Result: 001, 002, … , 010, 011, … , 100, 101, …
And here is an example for a class title and auto-numbering with two digits.
Script: {1}-{2:D2}
Result: Wood Casement Windows-01, Wood Casement Windows-02, … , Wood Casement Windows-10, Wood
Casement Windows-11, … , Wood Casement Windows-99, Wood Casement Windows-100, Wood Casement Windows-
101, …
Last updated