Typical Workflow For Floor Truss
Truss+ functionality allows to generate floor trusses. With combined workflow of Floor+ and Truss+ tools user produce grid layouts, trusses, assemblies and show drawings among other things. Both metal and wood can be used as structural material.
From Floor+ menu select Settings - Load Families
From Truss+ menu select Configurations - Load Floor Truss Types

Have Revit elements such as walls and floors and roofs prepared
Select Revit floor and go to Floor+ menu - Link Floor

In the Framing Configuration column select I_Floor Truss Layout

Framing configurations can be changed at any time, go to Floor+ menu - select Framing Configurations

Floor truss layout configuration can be modified or duplicated (Save As) to create a new configuration
Make sure Main Type of Joists have Truss Layout Axis family selected.
Generally user can choose between what families should be used for producing floor truss layout. For example, for joistsTruss Layout Axis families can be chosen to produce a layout upon which Truss+ will produce floor trusses. For other structural framing members such as opening elements or rim joists - user can choose actual wood/metal framing families e.g. I_WF Rim-Bridging Joist : LMBR 2x6.

Select Revit floor and go to Floor+ menu - select Frame Floor

Floor truss layout is generated and spread across the floor as per configurations

User can further Add/Modify Elements or use other tools to manipulate truss floor layout

Once truss layout is in place user can start generating trusses. To do that select multiple trusses from the layout - go toTrusses - Insert Roof/Floor Truss by Selected Model Line

In trusses type window select any floor truss from truss library
Various types of floor trusses can be generated across a layout

If floor trusses need to encompass a duct - choose a truss type with an opening from truss library when generating trusses

To align truss opening with existing duct go to Truss+ menu - Trusses tab - Set Floor Truss Opening Position - select the duct and input dimension values - select OK

Truss+ will automatically shift truss opening to where the duct clashes

Detail can be added by selecting Add/modify Details from Floor+ menu
Detail can be configured by going to Detail Configuration

To add details - select truss layout elements for which you want to add details
Select Add/modify Details from Floor+ menu

Select Add Detail - choose or edit configuration and select Add Details

Once floor trusses and details are in place, user can further detail the floor by adding layers of sheathing to top and bottom faces or insulation in between trusses
Select Revit floor - go to Link Floor from Floor+ menu

Select sheathing layers to be split by sheathing configuration and have split parts / split by parameters ticked

Select Revit floor and select Split Parts from Floor+ menu

Switch on parts visibility in Revit properties tab

Floor truss workflow continues by calculating truss volumes, sorting trusses and structural members and creating assemblies. Access all that via Shop Drawings tab from Truss+ menu

Once trusses and structural members are sorted user can create assemblies and shop drawings
Select a truss and go to Shop Drawings - Create Assembly from Truss
Truss+ is going to produce shop drawings for selected trusses automatically

Optional CNC Export is available. Contact AGA CAD for further details
Last updated
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