QR/Barcode Generator
Sort Mark lets you generate a code as an image based on your selected parameters (you can also crop the values of those parameters, add suffixes, prefixes, etc.).
The images are placed in the image-type parameter.
To see the QR codes or barcodes, you need to make a schedule with the image parameter selected and drop that schedule onto a Sheet.
Let’s look at how to implement the QR / Barcode generator in your workflow:
First, determine which category of elements should get the QR or barcode. For this example, let's select the Windows category.
After selecting the category, you will be prompted with a window asking you to select a parameter where the new QR or barcode should be written. You can create a new shared parameter for the selected category, or use the built-in Image instance parameter.
After selecting the parameter in which to enter the new QR or barcode values, a configuration window will open where you will need to enter some settings before generating the new codes.
1 - Using the menu at the top, you can save your settings for future use.
2 - Here you can see the name of the category and the parameter where the code will be created. Here you can choose the Code Type (QR or barcode) and the size of the image in pixels.
3 - In the Sort Mark tab, you can select parameters from the left to compose the value of QR codes or barcodes. You can then add a Prefix, Suffix, and Take or Remove segments of the chosen parameter’s value.
In this case, let's select the Mark: Instance parameter.
In the Filtering tab, you can filter out elements from the chosen category, if needed.
Click OK to run the configuration. An information dialog will show how many elements of the chosen category have been processed.

Now, when selecting one of the windows, I can see that the QR code was generated as a .png image in the Image parameter.

To see the QR codes, I will need to create a schedule and add the Image parameter to it.

Finally, let's create a Sheet, place the schedule and the generated QR code is visible.

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