Modified on: Tue, 3 Aug, 2021 at 7:37 PM

By default, configurations are saved in C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\EFEWood22 (or other Revit version)\Export Configuration catalog. The content from this catalog can be copied to other users' computers if needed.

One framing configuration contains a folder and an XML file under the same name:

Export Setup

Export Setup – settings where you can define CNC file locations, project information parameters, identification and marking of elements, CNC command naming, etc.

Read about every feature here >> (https://helpdesk.agacad.com/support/solutions/articles/44002243441-export-setup)

Export Framing Element

Export Framing Element – exports selected structural framing element with predefine export configuration.

Export selected (or all) Wall/Floor/Roof Frames to CNC

Export selected (or all) Wall/Floor/Roof Frames to CNC – exports selected (or all) wall, floor or roof frames to the predefined CNC machine. CNC Exporter must be used in tandem with AGACAD Wood Framing BIM software

(https://agacad.com/products/bim-solutions/wood-framing-professional-suite), which creates framing elements with all the necessary geometry and information data inside the Revit project.

Example, select a floor that has been created using Wood Framing Floor (https://agacad.com/products/bim-solutions/metalframing-floor/overview):

Select configuration and press OK:

A EZF file is created with all information from the selected floor. This file can be now pushed to the CNC machine for production:

Export Walls, Floors, Roofs from Schedule

Export Walls, Floors, Roofs from Schedule – exports structural framing walls, floors, roofs from the current schedule with predefine export configuration.

Export by host parameter "CNC Export Configuration"

By host parameter "CNC Export Configuration" – exports framing elements by predefined configuration in the host (wall, floor, roof).

You can select a host element, like floor → Properties Edit Type → write configuration name into CNC Export Configuration parameter.

In such case you can select many different floors and export frames using different configurations.

Last updated