Shop Drawings – Smart Dimensions – Configuration
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Configurations – predefine the settings for inserting dimensions. It is very versatile with thousands of different possibilities.
Configurations can be saved, duplicated, renamed, deleted, or created as new:
Default path to configurations location:
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\Wall+2021 (or other product and version) Configurations\Shop Drawing Configurations\Smart Dimensions\
If needed, the content from this catalog can be copied to other users' computers. Also, the path can be changed in Wall+, Wall+M, Floor+, Floor+M, Roof+, Roof+M → Configuration Files’ Location.
Select the elements you want to dimension in this configuration. You can drag selected rows up and down to display the order of dimension lines:
Set to measure only elements that you have in the view. Do not select everything at once.
In order to gain familiarity with how the software works, change just a few settings and then apply the dimensions tocheck the results.
Use Smart Dimensions → Dimension Elements in View to quickly check results. Once you are happy with the results, apply them with Wall+, Wall+M, Floor+, Floor+M, Roof+, Roof+M to get the correct position of notes and the final look.
Configuration Settings – settings for total dimension lines.
It gives the dimensions of all elements that are selected to be Included in Total Measure:
Here you can configure settings for total dimensions: where they should be placed, dimension type, and what text note value should be used.
First Dimension Offset – a factor multiplied by the value of the Dimension Line Snap Distance parameter to calculate distance of first dimension line from outer solid edge in the view.
Note: If you change the Configuration Settings, don’t forget to click on Save in the common configuration.
Example with wood frame:
Example with metal frame:
Example with wood roof:
Example with metal roof:
Diagonal Dimension - Total Dimension - Adds a total diagonal dimension.
Example with wood wall:
Grouping – groups dimension lines by selected parameter. E.g. If you group by Framing Layer, then elements from every framing layer will be in a separate dimension line.
Filtering – you can filter what should be dimensioned by rules in this tab. It is possible to use different parameters from families.
At the bottom there is also an option to filter by the Material by Model Behavior parameter, which is inside the family.
Example with wood frame: Here, dimensions are added automatically into frames where Framing Layer = Frame:
Example with metal frame: Here, dimensions are added automatically into frames where Framing Layer = Frame:
Example with metal roof: Here, dimensions are added automatically into frames where Framing Layer = Frame:
Dimension Lines by Priority – here you can arrange the order of how close the dimension line will be to the Host element. Click and drag the selected type of dimension lines to the top or bottom.
A new tab named ‘Part Openings’ will appear only after creating a new dimensioning configuration:
In this example, part openings have their individual dimensions that are not tied to Structural Framing elements:
For custom/complex dimensioning, training is needed; please Contact us