Application of Configuration
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After the Interference check is performed and the configurations have been saved, the next step is to combine those to get the opening data.
In the Cut Opening tool, click on "Read Interference Check Data":
Use the Browse function to find the required (exported) interference .html file on your computer.
Select your configurations using the Configuration dropdown menu. Here user will find all saved configurations as well as the Default Configuration.
After the .html file and configurations are chosen, users may get messages about missing configurations, rejected elements, etc. These messages show that some elements do not have configurations for openings.
All possible messages are listed below:
Rejected by Configuration because full interference expected for {0} sizes – Elements are rejected because elements do not fully cross the structural element. This can be managed in the Opening Configurations tab "Interference Check";
Intersection not found for {0} sizes – this message says that in the current project, there is no intersection between selected categories described in the Interference Check Report;
Invalid intersection. Vertical element is required for intersection with host for {0} sizes – Vertical element is required when intersecting floor or ceiling with vertical MEP elements;
Invalid intersection because of "Slanted Wall" intersection for {0} sizes – Openings could not be inserted into sloped walls;
Invalid intersection because of parallel location lines for {0} sizes – rejected openings because MEP element and structural openings lay on the same line – they are parallel;
Rejected by Configuration because Opening is too small for {0} sizes – Cut Opening rejected opening insertion due to too small MEP element. The minimum opening (MEP element’s) size that could be set in the Opening Configurations tab – Minimum Diameter (for round MEP elements) and Minimum Widht/Height (for rectangle MEP elements);
Host element not found for {0} sizes – Cut Opening solution cannot find a host. The host could be deleted or moved after the Interference Check was performed.
Missing Opening Configuration for {0} sizes – no opening configuration for this element size or for opening size and insulation. Possibly no configurations for cut offset, joining distance, or interference check tabs. All configurations can be reached in the Opening Configurations window.
Host element not found for {0} sizes – Cut Opening solution cannot find a host. Host could be deleted or moved after Interference Check was runnned.
Missing configurations could be added to the active configurations using the “Add” or “Add all” button. These buttons automatically add new configurations to the Cut Opening. After your needed configuration is added, a new “Review Configuration” button will appear. This will let the user know what and where configurations were added. All newly added configurations will be marked with red bubbles.
Note. Configurations added by the "Add" and "Add all" buttons can not be saved in the configuration
After all required configurations are set, users will have to finish the work by choosing one of three different options:
Next – only insert openings that are not excluded by configurations.
Skip – allows Cut Opening solution to insert openings in all places where MEP elements clash with structural elements. That means it won’t matter whether there are missing configurations – cut opening will insert opening in such places. Cut Opening will read the element size and insert an opening with the same size as the MEP element. This opening will have no offset and won't be joined with other openings;
Export to PDF - exports info from the table to a PDF document for review and as an option to keep a save file.
Cancel - turns off this dialog window, and all changes will be lost;
After clicking "Next" or "Skip", Cut Opening will open the clash table with the applied configurations. This file will contain clashing places as well as cut offsets, joining distances, etc. Information can be saved directly as an .XML file or filtered in the table to exclude the unneeded clashes and then exported.
Please read the "Controlling the Opening Table" post to learn more about controlling the opening table. There, you will learn how to add more parameters to the table, set up the browsing tree, and how to filter data.