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Number Elements – renumbers all framing elements (under Structural Framing category) and details (under Structural Connections category) by predefined Numbering Configuration. It have many options for simple and complex numbering when you need to load many numbering rules.
Loads all selected rules from Numbering Setup tab:
Furthermore, you can turn on Number Elements with "Frame Floor" Command in Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Modify Settings, and all elements will be numbered with Frame Floor command. You will not need to use Number Elements additionally.
FM SortMark - by Frame Host & Member Mark and Element ID – a sample rule for numbering farming members. It groups framing elements by frame host and Framing Member Mark (comes from Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Elements Mark Definitions). Then every grouped element is sorted by ID.
FM SortMark – parameter with the result. You can find it in Element Properties → Identity Data.
FM SortMark - by Frame Host and Member Mark – a sample rule for numbering farming members. It groups framing elements by frame host and Framing Member Mark (comes from Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Elements Mark Definitions). Then every grouped element is sorted by its length.
FM SortMark – parameter with the result. You can find it in Element Properties → Identity Data.
FM SortMark - by Host and Connection Mark & Type – a sample rule for numbering details (under structural connections category). It groups details by frame host and Framing Member Mark (comes from Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Elements Mark Definitions). Then every grouped detail is sorted by type.
FM SortMark – parameter with the result. You can find it in Element Properties → Identity Data.
Number Floors – renumbers all floors by predefined configuration in Numbering Configuration → Floor Numbering Setup. Floor numbering configurations come from Sort Mark (
Example: All floors are numbered by unique number, which has F as a prefix. Result is written to the Mark instance parameter.
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Number Parts – renumbers all sheathing/paneling (Parts) by predefined configuration in Numbering Configuration → Part Numbering Setup. Part numbering configurations come from Sort Mark (
Example: All sheathing/paneling elements (Parts) are grouped by Framing Member Mark (comes from Framing
Configuration → Common Settings → Elements Mark Definitions), uniquely numbered, and have FM HostMemberSortMark value as a prefix. Result is written to the Mark instance parameter.
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