Apply B/N/B (Bridging/Nogging/Blocking)
Apply B/N/B (Bridging/Nogging/Blocking) – choose whether or not the rules listed below should be applied to the frame.
Apply by Wall Type
Apply by Wall Type – option to add Blocking/Nogging/Bridging only for Structural, Non-structural, or Always selected walls in the project.
Wall+ will pay attention into instance Structural wall parameter and will add blocking/nogging accordingly:
Example with wall which will be used for metal frame:
Example with floor which will be used for framing:
Use Short Noggings
Use Short Noggings – select if noggings have to split between the studs.
Example with metal wall frame:
Example with wood floor: Use Short Noggings is ON:
Example: Use Short Noggings is OFF:
Example with metal floor:
Diagonal Placement
Diagonal Placement – places blocking/nogging/briding parallel to top/bottom sloped plates or parallel on horizontal plates.
Example: Blocking is placed parallel to top sloped plate:
Example: Blocking is placed parallel to top sloped rim joist:
Align with Project Base Point
Align with Project Base Point – allows positioning bridging elements not only in relation to each other but according to Revit gridlines.
First step – unclip the state of the Revit Project Base Point and move it to the needed position:
For more convenience, switch on Revit Work Plane and move it to the Project Base Point. It will help you to understand if the studs or joists are created in the right position:
Turn on Align with Project Base Point in the Framing Configuration dialog:
Frame walls. First bridging/nogging/blocking will be aligned with the project base point:
In case you need to relocate the frame, just move the Project Base Point to the new position and update the frame.
External/Internal is (in Roof+, Roof+M)
External/Internal is – controls bridging position in the roof. Works when bridging Position (under Custom Join) = External or Internal.
Example, Vertical option is selected:
Example, Diagonal option is selected:
Splits Secondary Studs/Joists
Splits Secondary Studs/Joists – if ticked current bridging/nogging/blocking will split secondary stud/joist.
Example, every second blocking splits OSB which is created as secondary stud:
Example, in such case OSB is created as secondary stud and Special BNB Splits this Stud/Joist is selected:
Blocking which splits has to have parameter Split Part.
Custom Join
Custom Join – is a multi-functional dialog where user can define rules for joins/studs including size, count, position, rotation, spacing, alignment etc. All these rules can be saved and used in other framing configurations or shared with other users. This type of dialog is used frequently in our products, so here you can read more about Custom Join detailed description
Rotate by Slope (in Floor+, Floor+M, Roof+, Roof+M)
Rotate by Slope – Joist/Rafter/Bridging can be rotated according to roof slope.
Example: Rotate by Slope is ON:
Example: Rotate by Slope is OFF:
Array1 or Array2
A set of rules for placing many blockings/noggings/bridgings.
Array 1 or Array 2 – there are options to apply three array rules: Array from Top, Bottom or Center of the frame.
Top/Bottom Plate Support (Auto)
Top/Bottom Plate Support (Auto) – option to add top/bottom plate supports and align with top/bottom plate automatically. In such cases, the Offset from Top option is not available because it is calculated automatically.
One more example:
Apply Offset – different options for measuring offsets.
Example, bridging offset is applied by Slope and measured from center to center:
Example, bridging offset is applied Horizontally and measured from center to center:
Additional Offset by Slope – additional offset by slope for more accurate bridging placing.
Example, when Offset from Base Face = 1000 and Additional Offset by Slope = Add half Depth:
Example, when Offset from Base Face = 1000, Additional Offset by Slope = Add half Depth and bridging is rotated 90º:
Offset from Top/Bottom – nogging offset from top or bottom plate top face.
Spacing – spacing between rows of noggings.
Number – the number of bridging/nogging/blocking rows.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Measure to
Measure to – measures the offset and spacing to bridging/nogging/blocking top/bottom or center.
Build in Place & Link to Connected
Build in Place – writes Yes/No information into the blocking/nogging/bridging instance parameter if it is build-in-place or is prefabricated with the whole wall frame. Later this parameter can be used in schedules or view filters.
Link to Connected – choose this option if end stud/joist is near wall corner and the element should be prefabricated and connected to an intersecting wall.
Example with wood roof:
For First&Last Bays – select if bays should be applied for both sides of wall.
Number of Bays – number of bays from both wall sides.
Use Alternating Offset
Use Alternating Offset – use linear (no offset) or alternating offset of nogging rows.
Note: this option is possible when Use Short Noggings is selected:
Placement Limits
Placement Limits – Bridging/Nogging/Blocking placement. It can go: Throughout the frame, Throughout except all Openings, Only through all Openings, Only through Windows, Only through Doors, or Only through Openings.
Example: Here are two top headers added automatically only above the openings:
Example in front view:
Example with metal wall:
Here are two top headers added automatically only above the openings:
When Opening Width is over and When Opening Width is less than – here you can predefine the opening sizes for placing Bridging/Nogging/Blocking. For example, big openings can have additional bridging above or below.
Cross Diagonal Cripple Studs/Joist
Cross Diagonal Cripple Studs/Joists – select if Bridging/Nogging/Blocking should go through diagonal cripple studs.
Cross Sloped Top/Bottom Plates
Cross Sloped Top/Bottom Plates – select if Bridging/Nogging/Blocking should go through places with sloped plates.
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