Modify Brace Group

Add Diagonal Bracing

Add Diagonal Bracing – enables options for adding diagonal braces in the brace group.

Diagonal braces can be disabled:

Example with wood floor:

Example with metal frame - diagonal braces can be disabled:

Diagonal Brace sizes

Type – select the family and type which will be used for diagonal brace. Default family is M_WF Plate.rvt (for Metric projects) and I_WF Plate.rvt (for Imperial projects).

Width (b) – shows b size of selected type.

Depth (h,d) – shows h or d size of selected type.

Define Depth (h,d) by Layer ThicknessWall+ will automatically create new type for selected family with new depth equal to selected wall layer thickness.

Rotate 90°

Rotate 90° – diagonal brace can be rotated 90 degrees to its initial position.

Example: when Rotate 90° is switched ON:

Example: when Rotate 90° is switched OFF:

Extend Ends

Extend Ends - extends diagonal brace ends when it connects to other elements.

Example: when Extend Ends is switched OFF:

Example: when Extend Ends is switched ON:

Add Diagonal Last

Add Diagonal Last – tries to finish a group with diagonal braces.

Add Bridging/Nogging

Add Bridging/Nogging – enables options for adding horizontal bridging/nogging in the brace group.

Horizontal braces can be disabled:

Example with wood floor:

Example with metal frame - horizontal braces can be disabled:

Add every Second

Add every Second – adds every second horizontal brace in the brace group.

Example: when Add every Second is switched ON:

Example: when Add every Second is switched OFF:

Example with wood floor - when Add every Second is switched ON:

Example with wood floor - when Add every Second is switched OFF:

Example with metal frame - when Add every Second is switched ON:

Start from Even Number

Start from Even Number possible option when Add every Second option is enabled. It starts every second horizontal element from even number.

Example, in the left side Start from Even Number is switched OFF, in the right - switched ON:

Add as Virtual

Add as Virtual – deletes horizontal bridging/nogging in the brace group but keeps the distances between diagonal braces the same as if there were horizontal braces.

Example: when Add as Virtual is switched OFF:

Example: when Add as Virtual is switched ON. The distances between diagonal braces are the same as if there were horizontal braces:

Example: when Add Bridging/Nogging is switched OFF. The distances between diagonal braces are recalculated:

Calculation from Bottom Plate Axis

Calculation from Bottom Plate Axis – starts calculation from bottom plate axis.

Spacing Type

Spacing Type – define spacing calculation rule: Fixed Spacing, Maximal Spacing, Fixed Angle, Fixed Number and Fixed Spacing, or Fixed Number.

The options below will change regarding this setting.

Example: when Spacing Type = Fixed Spacing and Spacing = 600:

Brace Connection Offset from Plate/Bridging/Nogging

Brace Connection Offset from Plate/Bridging/Nogging – brace offset from connection point with a plate, bridging, or nogging.

Example: when Brace Connection Offset from Plate/Bridging/Nogging = 100:

Connection Offset between Brace Elements

Connection Offset between Brace Elements – defines the offset between brace elements.


Brace – select brace and stud connection cutting type.

Possible options: Don't Cut, Cut Studs and Cut Bracing.

Example with wood wall - when Cut Bracing is selected:

Example with wood floor - when Cut Joists is selected:


Bridging/Nogging – select bridging/nogging and stud connection cutting type.

Possible options: Don't Cut, Cut Bridging/Nogging and Cut Bracing.

Example with wood wall - when Cut Studs is selected:

Example with wood floor - when Cut Joists is selected:

Frame Side

Frame Side – select whether a brace group should be applied in the center, external, internal, or on two sides of the frame.

Example with wood wall - when Frame Side = Two - Sided:

Example with wood wall - when Frame Side = Center:

Example with wood floor - when Frame Side = Two - Sided:

Example with metal frame - when Frame Side = Two - Sided:

Build in Place

Build in Place – writes Yes/No information into the brace instance parameter if it is build-in-place or is prefabricated with whole wall frame. Later this parameter can be used in schedules or view filters.

Example with wood frame:

Example with wood floor:

Example with metal frame:

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