Numbering Configuration

Numbering Configuration


Numbering Configuration – allows you to configure and save automatic numbering settings for roofs,

sheathings/panelings (Parts), framing elements (under Structural Framing category), and details (Structural Connections) by using functionality from the framing software and Sort Mark ( configurations.

Sort Mark ( can renumber any Revit® elements in just the way you want.

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Configuration – configuration with all numbering settings. You can use the sample configurations or create new ones.

Also, you can rename, duplicate, or delete existing configurations.

By default, Roof+M detail configurations are saved in C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\Roof+M2020 Configurations (or other version)\Numbering Setup Configurations catalog. The content from this catalog can be copied to other users' computers if needed. Also, the path can be changed in Roof+M Settings Configuration Files’ Location.

Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location

Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location – location of Sort Mark ( configuration files.

Sort Mark Structural Framings – configuration for numbering all framing elements (under Structural Framing category).

The list of configurations comes from Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location.

Sort Mark Structural Connections – configuration for numbering all details (under Structural Connections category). The list of configurations comes from Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location.

Roof Numbering Setup – configuration for numbering all roofs. The list of configurations comes from Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location.

Part Numbering Setup – configuration for numbering all sheathing/paneling (under Part category). The list of configurations comes from Sort Mark Configuration Files’ Location.

Sort & Number Structural Framing and Connections

Sort & Number Structural Framing and Connections – different automatic numbering rules for framing elements (under Structural Framing category) and details (under Structural Connections category).

Make sure that the numbering rules are selected before saving configuration:

FM SortMark – parameter with the result. You can find it in Element PropertiesIdentity Data. It contains the Framing Member Mark value from Framing Configuration and a number that is sorted by selected value (ID, Mark, Assembly Name, from start to End).

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