Split Elements[]
Split Elements
Split Elements – features for splitting joists, rim joists, bridging/nogging elements by different rules.
Split Rim Joists Automatically
Split Rim Joists Automatically – splits rim joists for selected floor according to predefined settings in Framing Configuration.
Split settings come from Configs → Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Modify Configuration Settings tab:
Minimal/Maximal Length of Split Rim/Joist – predefines min/max length for splitting rim joists.
Also, pay attention to Offset Distance of Split parameter in Configs → Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Modify Configuration Settings tab:
Offset Distance of Split – defines splitting distance for selected rim joist from selected joist.
Example: Offset Distance of Split = 300mm:
Split Rim Joists Automatically for All Frames
Split Rim Joists Automatically for All Frames – splits rim joists for all floors in the current project according to predefined settings in Framing Configuration.
Split Rim Joist Manually
Split Rim Joist Manually – splits selected rim joist by selected joist.
1. Select a joist which will split top/bottom plate; 2. Select a top or bottom plate which will be split.
Also, pay attention to Offset Distance of Split parameter in Configs → Framing Configuration → Common Settings → Modify Configuration Settings tab:
Offset Distance of Split – defines splitting distance for selected rim joist from selected joist.
Example: Offset Distance of Split = 300mm:
Split Bridging/Nogging
Split Bridging/Nogging – splits selected bridging/nogging by selected joist.
Delete Splits
Delete Splits – resets selected floor rim joists to original length before splitting.
Example: rim joists were split...
...after using Delete Splits, the rim joists are whole again:
Split Joist
Split Joist – splits selected joists by predefined settings.
You can select one joist or multiple.
For joist splitting you will see a dialog with settings where you can predefine the offset, spacing, number of splits, minimal length of last element, etc.
Delete Joist Split
Delete Joist Split – resets selected joists to original length before splitting.
Select the joist that was split, after clicking Delete Joist Split, the joists are restored to original length:
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